About Our Posts

Your single largest investment is your home!

Enjoy the view you paid for with seamless and topless glass railing, supported by short posts, sitting slightly off of your deck surface, with a design that is clean and beautiful and offers the clearest view of any railing system.

Grande Vista short posts were designed for a great view as well as full drainage from your deck. Not only do you want your home to look beautiful today, but you also want to be able to maintain that look for a long time. Our designers took these and other factors into account: safety, view, investment value, and overall cost. It is important that the end customer would not only be extremely satisfied with our short post glass railing system, but that they would become the envy of the neighbourhood.

After all, the little things are what set your home apart from other homes in the area. Make your home the most beautiful home on the street with the most non-intrusive view!

Short Post System for use around deck railings.

Posts for interior and exterior glass staircases.

Short Post Railings that can be used around pool areas.

Enjoy the view you paid for! Use short posts and glass railings.

Our Patents